What Age-Related Expectations Are

What age related expectations are
Since 2014, the National Curriculum for England has included a set of age related expectations for the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Pupils are then assessed at the end of each Key Stage as either ‘working towards the expected standard’, ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard’. These are sometimes simplified as ‘working towards’, ‘working at’ and ‘greater depth’. Occasionally, where pupils are operating at a considerably lower level, pupils may be assessed as ‘pre-key stage’.
How this applies to each year group at Carrington Junior School
Pupils at Carrington Junior School experience learning opportunities in line with the 2014 curriculum for England. The end of Key Stage expectations are subdivided into appropriate learning for each year group and throughout the year pupils are assessed to see how many of these expectations they meet. Teachers use a mixture of teacher assessment, which is informed by ongoing learning in books and in class, and testing, which happens three times a year towards the end of term. By the end of the year most pupils should be at age related expectations for the objectives covered within that year.
How you will know where your child is
Reporting to parents happens three times a year at the Autumn and Spring face to face parents meetings, where interim reports indicate if pupils are currently working towards, at the expected standard, or at greater depth, and in the end of year report in the Summer Term. Additionally, parents can always make an appointment to discuss progress with the class teacher at any time of the year.