I think my child might have special needs. What can I do?

I think my child might have extra learning needs. What do I do?
Realising your child may find some things trickier than others, or that they have specific barriers to learning, can be a daunting time. 
It's important to remember that your child is still unique with their own range of talents and skills.
In the first instance, please talk to your child's teacher. Often knowing how children feel about school, and how they are at home as well as in school, can help your child's teacher to support them and understand them better.
There are a range of strategies that teachers might already be using to support your child in school, as part of Ordinarily Available Provision (OAP). For example, your child might have had access to adapted work in a lesson, visuals and vocabulary support, small group work supported by an adult, or individual task reminders throughout a lesson. Your child might also have small group support session outside class, or a friendship, or other social skills group.
You can make an appointment to talk to your child's class teacher or the SENDCo before or after school at any time. You don't have to wait until the termly parents' evenings for a chance to talk. 
I think my child needs more. How do I get a diagnosis?
School might be able to recognise behaviours which are similar to conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety and attachment difficulties, but teachers are not qualified to make a diagnosis. 
School can help parents to make a referral to CAMHS, or parents can seek a private diagnosis, at their own cost. 
At the time of writing, the CAMHS team are currently completing assessments for pupils referred 3.5- 4 years ago. 
If school can see a need for support, we will not wait for a diagnosis before putting support in place, using Ordinarily Available Provision in class.
This might mean that after diagnosis there isn't a huge change to the support that a child is already getting. 
Will my child get 1:1 adult support?
It is unusual for children in mainstream to have a full time 1:1 adult support provision. Some children might need smaller group support, or short focused support sessions within a lesson, and where possible this will be given. 
How can I get 1:1 support for my child?
It is not common practice for children in mainstream to have a single dedicated adult throughout the week, but support may be given in a variety of ways, throughout the school week. A combination of adult support, scaffolded tasks, or tailored work will be offered to support with any personal learning barriers. 
I want my child to get an EHCP- how does this work?
If your child has a diagnosed and significant barrier, that is consistently present both in and out of school, they may be eligible for an assessment for an Education Health Care Plan. The EHCP process is hosted and run by the local authority.
In order to be considered for assessment, evidence of learning and other difficulties over a period of time have to be compiled into a report, as well as, any evidence from other medical professionals. 
This process can be lengthy. School does not have any power to speed this process up. 
Parents are also able to submit their own EHCP application if they wish to. 
Can my child go in the ARP?
Carrington Junior School has an ARP with 8 places for autistic children. The places in the ARP are allocated by the local authority. To be eligible for these places children would normally have an EHCP with a primary need of autism and not be suitable for mainstream education. 
Some ARP children complete their learning full time in the ARP, while others may use the ARP as a base, but complete up to 60% of their lessons in their buddy mainstream class. 
At Carrington Junior School we have more than 20 children with EHCPs, the majority of these children do well in mainstream classes. 
How do I know what help my child is getting?
If your child has an identified SEND need, with or without diagnosis, they will have a one page plan  which will be shared with you termly, and discussed at parents evenings. If you think your child has a new or emerging need, this can be discussed with their class teacher or the SENDCo.